THANK YOU for a wonderfully busy 2023-2024 school year of testing! September through February office hours and online testing appointments will be Monday-Wednesday, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM EST with some exceptions. Online testing dates will be updated here throughout the fall/winter season. Available testing dates September 2, 3, 16-18, 23-25, 30; October 1-2, 7-9, 14-16, 21-23, 28-30. November dates will be posted soon.

Ability/Cognitive Tests

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Iowa E/Cogat Online
The Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT) form 7 online for grades K-12 test students reasoning abilities in three areas: Verbal, Quantitative, and spatial (non-verbal). This test is often used to identify gifted students and helps parents understand their children’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses and learning styles. The test takes only about 95 minutes. An interactive website ( can be accessed after doing the CogAT so that you can print out a report of teaching tips tailored especially to your child's cognitive strengths and weaknesses! The CogAT7 Online is taken in conjunction with the Iowa E Online.

Can only be purchased by homeschool or small private school (enrollment under 250 or else email us).
The Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) is a test of abstract thinking and reasoning ability of children ages K to 18. The Otis-Lennon is a multiple choice test, and taken with pencil and paper. It measures verbal, quantitative, and spatial reasoning ability. The test yields verbal and nonverbal scores, from which a total score is derived, called a School Ability Index (SAI). It is useful for identifying gifted children and a child’s processing strengths and weaknesses. The test can be administered in groups.

Paper testing for Stanford and OLSAT is year-round. Can only be purchased by homeschool or private school and is non-refunable.
OLSAT 8 Remote Online
The OLSAT 8 Online is a nationally standardized ability test for Grade 4-Grade12. The OLSAT 8 is multiple-choice and timed assessment, helps educators find out how students process and is often used for giftedness assessment. This technically excellent instrument is a valid and reliable tool for objectively measuring ability. The score report helps parents understand their child’s processing strengths and weaknesses.

Additional OLSAT Directions for Administration Books
One directions book is automatically sent with your order. If you need additional directions books because of group testing, please indicate the additional (not total) needed for each level.