Winter office hours and online testing appointments will be Monday-Wednesday, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM EST with some exceptions. Online testing dates will be updated here throughout the winter season. Available testing dates are: FEBRUARY 3-5, 10-12, 17-19, 24-26. Starting in March, online testing will be available Monday-Thursday. BLOCKED OUT DATES: Iowa E online 4/17/2025

Achievement Tests

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Stanford 10 (SAT/10) Practice Test - Kit
The Stanford® Practice Tests are available for grades K–8 but grades 9-12 can benefit from the Gr 7-8 level to see what types of categories they can expect on the Stanford test since there are no practice tests for the high school levels per se. (Also, you can order the Level 15-17/18 Iowa practice test which IS high school level.) These short practice tests are published by the Stanford publisher, give students an idea of what to expect on test day and will increase their confidence in taking the test. A few practice questions are given in each of the test categories in the Complete Battery and answers are provided in the administration book. Students actually practice bubbling in their answers and administrators are given script similar to the actual test. The practice tests are untimed.

Can only be purchased by homeschool or small private school and are non-refundable.
Stanford 10 Practice Test - Student Book Only
The Stanford® Practice Tests are available for grades K–8 but grades 9-12 can benefit from the Gr 7-8 level to see what types of categories they can expect on the Stanford test since there are no practice tests for the high school levels per se. (Also, you can order the Level 15-17/18 Iowa practice test which IS high school level.) These short practice tests are published by the Stanford publisher, give students an idea of what to expect on test day and will increase their confidence in taking the test. A few practice questions are given in each of the test categories and students actually practice bubbling in their answers. The practice tests are untimed.

Can only be purchased by homeschool or small private school and are non-refundable.
Scoring High on the TerraNova Test - Teacher Book Only
The teacher book is scripted similar to the TerraNova Test Directions books so teachers get practice in how to give a nationally standardized achievement test and students learn types of questions to expect on the test. If a grade is out of stock, you can use the Iowa or Stanford version just as well.

Scoring High Practice Tests are non-refundable.
IOWA E Practice Tests - Student Book Only
The Iowa Assessments™ Practice Tests are for Form E and they are available for grades K–12. These short practice tests are are great to use for either the Iowa E or Iowa A test. They are published by the Iowa Test publisher, give students a brief exposure of types of questions to expect on test day and will increase their confidence in taking the test. A few practice questions are given in each of the test categories and students actually practice bubbling in their answers. The practice tests are untimed.

Can only be purchased by homeschool or small private school and are non-refundable.
IOWA E Practice Tests - Kit
The Iowa Tests of Basic Skills® Practice Tests are available for grades K–12. These short practice tests are great to use for either the Iowa E or Iowa A test. They are published by the Iowa Test publisher, give students a brief exposure of types of questions to expect on test day and will increase their confidence in taking the test. A few practice questions are given in each of the test categories in the Complete Battery and answers are provided in the administration book. Students actually practice bubbling in their answers and administrators are given script similar to the actual test. The practice tests are untimed.

Can only be purchased by homeschool or small private school and are non-refundable.