Winter office hours and online testing appointments will be Monday-Wednesday, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM EST with some exceptions. Online testing dates will be updated here throughout the winter season. Available testing dates are: FEBRUARY 3-5, 10-12, 17-19, 24-26. Starting in March, online testing will be available Monday-Thursday. BLOCKED OUT DATES: Iowa E online 4/17/2025

Woodcock Johnson Registration Form

WJIV Test Request Form

Thank you for your interest in the Woodcock Johnson. Completing this form will give us the information we need to set up an appointment for you and your student(s) in one of our southern Wake County home offices. You will be contacted within 48 business hours to arrange details of your appointment. For multiple students, some sections of the test can be administered together reducing your overall appointment time. We look forward to working with you to assess your student's strengths and challenges and to provide helpful resources for your unique circumstances. There is a comfortable place provided for you to wait during testing. Instructions for the "Additional Information" field: Please include notes, student information or questions that would better help us serve you. If you are registering more than 2 children include the Name/DOB/Gender/Grade Level of additional students in this space. When requesting extended or supplemental testing please include the reason for your request. If testing multiple children with different test packages, note that here, as well.