Office hours in July and August are Monday-Thursday, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM EST. Online tests are offered Monday-Thursday. We are currently scheduling Iowa E online and SAT-10 online testing for the week of July 22 and beyond. Online testing is not available August 1-9 but will resume the week of August 12.
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Iowa E Online


Price: $44.00
Grade Price Quantity
Iowa E Online Gr K Midyear / Lvl 5 $44.00
Iowa E Online Gr K Spring / Lvl 6 $44.00
Iowa E Online Gr 1 Fall / Lvl 6 $44.00
Iowa E Online Gr 1 Midyear-Spring / Lvl 7 $44.00
Iowa E Online Gr 2 Fall / Lvl 7 $44.00
Iowa E Online Gr 2 Midyear-Spring Lvl 8 $44.00
Iowa E Online Gr 3 Lvl 9 $44.00
Iowa E Online Gr 4 Lvl 10 $44.00
Iowa E Online Gr 5 Lvl 11 $44.00
Iowa E Online Gr 6 Lvl 12 $44.00
Iowa E Online Gr 7 Lvl 13 $44.00
Iowa E Online Gr 8 Lvl 14 $44.00
Iowa E Online Gr 9 Lvl 15 $44.00
Iowa E Online Gr 10 Lvl 16 $44.00
Iowa E Online Gr 11-12 Lvl 17/18 $44.00


Iowa E Online

Instructions for scheduling and setting up the Iowa E online test can be found below.
We provide online testing Monday-Thursday at 9:15 AM and 1:00 PM unless noted in the red bar at the top of the website. All times are Eastern Standard Time. Once your order is processed, you will receive a registration form via email to choose your dates and provide your student's information.  The test is administered over two days and should be scheduled a minimum of two weeks in advance.  Six months is required between test events with the same test and grade level. Once the test is set up, there is a $15 fee to change a date or receive a refund.

Test Type: Nationally Standardized Achievement Test mulitple choice, done online that provides immediate scoring.  
Purpose: To measure the skills and achievement of students in Grades K-12 in Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics and the optional tests of Social Studies, and Science.
Grades: K Spring-12 (Grades 3-12 can test together) Grades K-2 are audio led and require headphones or a computer with speakers.
Time: Approximately 2 - 5.5 hours over 2 days (Call us to check availability.) We send codes around 9:15AM EST for students to begin testing. Schedule
Scoring: Year-Round by computer (Sample Score Report). Results within 24 business hours.
Norms: 2017 National norms
  • Spring norms: Mar. 1 - July 31
  • Fall Norms: Aug. 1 - Nov. 30
  • Midyear Norms: Dec. 1 - Feb. 29
Please note: if ordering a test for a kindergartener it can only be scored midyear (after Dec. 1st) or in the spring.  If you need to test a kindergartener in the fall or midyear please order Iowa A.  If ordering a 1st grade test in the fall choose level 5/6, for midyear (after Dec 1st) and spring choose level 7. Gr 2 fall testing - use level 7, otherwise use level 8.

Features: Quick scoring, full-Color, motivating and easy-to-navigate
Recommendations: Take it every year.
Administrator Requirements: Administered by Triangle Education Assessments. Can be done remotely at your location or on a computer at our location in Apex. No B.A. required of parent or gaurdian.
Restrictions: Iowa E tests are not available for Texas: Houston ISD (Levels 14-18) (areas subject to change). Can only be purchased by a homeschool or a private school.

What is the Iowa E Online?
The Iowa E Online is a nationally standardized achievement test for Grades K-12. The Iowa Test has been a standard of excellence in achievement testing. It is multiple-choice in format and helps educators find out what students know. This technically excellent instrument is a valid and reliable tool for objectively measuring achievement. The score report helps parents understand their child’s level of knowledge in many academic areas.

What is Tested on The Iowa E Online Test?

The Iowa E Online Test measures the skills and achievement of students in Reading, Spelling, Language Arts, Math, and the optional tests of Social Studies, and Science. (Refer to for your state's requirements.)

Iowa E Practice Test (Paper)
The Iowa E Tests of Basic Skills® Practice Tests are available for grades K–12. These short practice tests are published by the Iowa Test publisher, give students an idea of what to expect on test day and will increase their confidence in taking the test. You may order your Iowa E Practice Tests below. If you need additional student books, place your order from the Iowa E Practice Page.  Click here for more about the Iowa Practice Test

Instructions for Scheduling the Iowa E Online

After purchasing the Iowa E Online Test for your location:

  1. Complete the School Verification Form if you didn't already (you will be directed to this at checkout).
  2. Complete the Student Registration Form and email it back to us at  We must have this registration form in order to schedule your student. This is where you will list your preferred testing dates.  Please send the registration form at least two weeks in advance of your preferred testing week.  We will confirm your testing dates and time.
          Please note the Norms below in order to request the correct grade:
          -Tests taken March 1-July 31 will be normed for SPRING (so put the grade they currently in or finished)
         -Tests taken August 1-November 30 will be normed for FALL (so put the grade they are going into or just started)
         -Tests taken December 1-February 28 will be normed for WINTER

3. After we receive your registration form, we will email you confirmation of your testing dates and time. 
    • Please note: the test sessions will be completed over the course of two days (Monday-Thursday) from approximately 9:15 AM to 12:15 PM  or 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM EST. (Please call us to set up different hours if needed.)  It is strongly advised that the test days be consecutive days or at least in the same week. If extended testing hours and/or additional testing days are needed, a charge of $25 per day will apply. 
    • Please choose two dates before August 1 for spring norms (end of grade). Otherwise, the test will need to be graded for fall of the upcoming grade and school year.
Test Days: Iowa E Online Test At Your Location:
  • We will email you the test session codes by 9:15 am EST for the tests that the student will complete on that day. 
  • The student will enter a test session code at  We will then approve the student for the session from our testing center.  (Please note that because we must approve the student for each session, it is very important that the schedule be followed in the order we give the codes. Please call us at 919-387-7004 if you are waiting approval for more than a minute or two.)  
  • Since the Iowa E Online Remote is timed please make sure to take breaks between sessions if needed, not during a session. 
  • The Online test offers immediate scoring.  Upon completion of the tests, we will email the score report within 72 hours.
  • Additional fees may apply if you need to test later in the day or for an additional day ($25/extra day). Once the test is set up there is a $15 fee to change dates or for a refund.  No refund is given for canellations less than 2 weeks prior to test date.